Wednesday, 2 February 2011

I need to be quick because I'm in a McDonalds using their Cloud wifi and I've been here for a good three hours, I think they want me to leave now.

The video I uploaded was uploaded because I needed to show you, because right now I feel like no one believes me apart from a few select people. Why would anyone believe what I'm saying though? it's utter madness and I acknowledge that completely and I'm feeling that madness

It's like it's scraping away inside of me, chiseling all my innards down so I', left with just the primal instincts humans first had. My first thoughts are always, shelter and then protection. But I can feel Him in here as well, He wants me to go again.

Last night He found me and I managed to scramble up from the door way I was sitting in and run after Him. He ran and I felt like I had to catch Him. Maybe to try and prove he wasn't real and just a man or...Part of me wanted to simply just go. I've mentioned before how I want to.

I've learnt one thing from when I pursued him, it's not major but it creeped me out none the less. His hands...he doesn't really have them. At least I don't think he did. They were these horrible lumps of flesh and they weren't really all there, sort of just a grey haze and they slipped around my right wrist and bruised it terribly. I's why I had bruises all over my arm when I was still at home.

He got in. He must have.

His hand was tugging at me and I felt like it was like I was comforted and yet being ripped away from reality at the same time.

I really need to go.

I'm thinking too much about Him.

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